13 Truly Heartbreaking Facts About Film In 2015

2. Roger Deakins Got His 12th Oscar Snub

2015 saw legendary cinematographer Roger Deakins score his 12th Oscar nomination for his work on Angelina Jolie's divisive Oscar bait pic Unbroken. Whatever you make of the film, Deakins' visual work was universally praised, though he went home empty handed for the dozenth time due to Emmanuel Lubezki's insanely strong work on Birdman. Now, Deakins didn't deserve to beat Lubezki, but damn if it isn't frustrating to see the guy lose again and again, all the more so considering he will probably lose to Lubezki again this year (Deakins will probably be nominated for Sicario, Lubezki for The Revenant). He'll get there eventually if he keeps cranking out the incredible work (he's now been nominated three years in a row and will likely make it four), but not this time or next.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.