13 Unanswered Questions From 2015's Biggest Movies

4. What Does Toby Look Like In Human Form? - Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension

The Question: The "final" Paranormal Activity movie reveals that the Midwives cult is attempting to resurrect the demon Toby in human form, which they successfully do at the end of the film. However, the audience never gets to see more than the legs, so we're left to speculate specifically about what his face might look like. The Likely Answer: The credits list Toby as being played by actor Mark Steger, who has a history of playing creepy characters often disguised by make-up. If another movie does happen as many suspect, it'd make sense to bring Steger back considering his experience playing this type of figure, though the question remains: will Steger's face simply appear as is, or will make-up be used to make him look more, well, demonic? You also have to consider that the Midwives' plan may be for Toby to blend into society as easily as possible, so it may well make sense for Toby to simply have a fairly boring humanoid form that possibly goes demonic when he unleashes his powers or is attacked with a crucifix or something. And at this point we've probably put more thought into this than anyone actually associated with the production ever has...
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.