13 Unanswered Questions From 2015's Biggest Movies

3. Who Is 009? - Spectre

The Question: Asking "Has Bond actually retired?" is just a bit too obvious, so ponder instead on the identity of 009, the agent who shows up to collect the Aston Martin DB10, which of course has already been claimed by Bond (Daniel Craig). The Likely Answer: This one has so many potential answers that it's tough to land on one. Director Sam Mendes recently said, "Who have I cast as 009? That€™s the question. In my head, I know who 009 is. That€™s the truth", though there's no guarantee that 009 would actually appear in Craig's final movie, so this one's likely more a playful "What if?" than anything. Bringing back a former Bond actor would be a nice touch (though Brosnan's probably the only one young enough to fit the bill), but it'd probably be too on the nose.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.