13 Unexpected Actors Who Might Win Oscars Next Year

7. Amy Schumer - Trainwreck

The Actor: Comedienne Amy Schumer is better known for her stand-up and TV work such as Inside Amy Schumer, though writing and starring in Judd Apatow's new movie is sure to do wonders for her career. The Role: Schumer plays Amy, the titular trainwreck who has rejected the notion of monogamy ever since childhood, though finds herself questioning her boozy, promiscuous ways when she meets a charming sports doctor, Aaron (Bill Hader). Why They Might Win: Because while Apatow's films aren't exactly synonymous with awards fare, the Academy will take huge note of not just Schumer's transition to big-screen work, but also that she wrote the film herself. Plus, if they can give Melissa McCarthy an Oscar nomination for taking a crap in a sink in Bridesmaids, why can't they reward a female role that looks like it has a little more dramatic meat on its bones?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.