13 Upcoming Movie Plot Twists Everybody's Already Guessed

10. The Predators Team Up With The Humans - The Predator

The Predator Hybrid

The trailers for Shane Black's The Predator have made it abundantly clear that the film will herald the arrival of a new hybrid Predator that's far larger than anything the franchise has ever seen before.

The fact that we see the Super-Predator fighting a regular Predator has prompted many fans to suggest the film's third act will, surprise, see the human heroes and the regular Predators teaming up to battle the over-sized abomination.

Though the franchise has struggled with this concept before - a human and Predator teaming up in Alien vs. Predator was unintentionally hilarious - previous Predator movies have cemented the sense of honour the creatures have, and so the team-up doesn't seem totally out of left-field.

Plus, leaked set photos have shown a Predator firing a machine gun from a human tank, and though it could very well be a gag to fool the set spies, there's no real reason to disbelieve it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.