13 Upcoming Movies That Could Score 0% On Rotten Tomatoes

7. Hitman: Agent 47

The Pitch: A reboot of the Hitman movie series based on the classic video game franchise. Rupert Friend takes over the title role originally meant for Paul Walker, teaming up with a genetically-engineered assassin, Katia van Dees (Hannah Ware) to find her father. Why It Could Score 0%: For starters, it's the feature directorial debut of Aleksander Bach, but even ignoring that, doesn't the plot just sound kind of, well, terrible? The fun of the Hitman games has been seeing Agent 47 clear a room full of bad guys on his own: having him team up with some eye candy just so he has someone to relay plot points to without talking directly to the camera sounds lazy and lame. Also, another genetically-engineered assassin? Hmmm. In addition, the previous Hitman movie only scored 14% even with its R-rating, and given the wide belief that this reboot will get slapped with a PG-13, it's even less likely to live up to its namesake. That's before even realising the movie has been written by the people responsible for Machete Kills (29%), The November Man (36%), Swordfish (26%), the previous Hitman, X-Men Origins: Wolverine (38%), A Good Day to Die Hard (14%), and Sabotage (19%). Oh, and Agent 47 isn't completely bald in this movie, which is about as much of a rookie mistake as anyone could make, even if most critics (who are largely non-gamers) won't care so much about that. Release Date: February 27th (US), March 20th (UK)

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.