13 Most Violent Foreign Films Since 2000

8. Dumplings (2004)

Another horrifying film to makes its way from Asia, unlike King Kong, Dumplings is one that will never qualify for an American remake. After all, it is about the grotesque subject of eating aborted children. Rich former actress Mrs. Li is losing her youthful good looks and longs for the attention of her husband, who is being unfaithful with a younger, more attractive woman. To make herself desirable once more, she seeks the help of Aunt Mei, a famed local chef. Mei cooks her some special dumplings (hence the film's title), which will apparently be effective for her rejuvenation. Mrs. Li, aware that Mei used unborn foetuses imported from an abortion clinic in China €” where Mei used to work €” keeps seeking ever more effective remedies. One day she is in luck: Mei had just performed an illegal abortion on a girl five months pregnant by her own father. Mrs. Li devours the new dumplings, and is shocked at the potency... On the DVD's release in Brazil, it even came with a warning strongly suggesting that pregnant women or those of a sensitive nature do not watch this film. While there are more graphically disturbing movies out there, in terms of violent subject matter, Dumplings is in a league of its own.

Recent English graduate and Newcastle United nut. Rom-Com enthusiast, Bob Dylan fan-boy and expert poacher of eggs.