13 Ways DC Is Attempting To Combat The Marvel Films Model

1. More Than One Person In Charge

Marvel has succeeded under the guidance of Kevin Feige. The producer extraordinaire revolutionized the concept of a shared film universe and has ushered in a slew of captivating films.

But DC is a much different beast than Marvel, and not only do they not have their own Kevin Feige, it appears that they may not want one singular person in charge. Keep in mind that DC is basically a wing of Warner Bros that€™s been given some autonomy. Conversely, Marvel Studios is its own studio that€™s simply owned by Disney.

Zack Snyder may be the figurehead of the DCEU but he clearly doesn€™t have all the pull that Kevin Feige does. In fact, he better resembles a more powerful version of Joss Whedon, with his hand in all of the creative efforts, but without the authority to completely dictate how they€™re handled.

Snyder is leveled off by the likes of writer David Goyer and executives and producers like Charles Roven, Deborah Snyder, Greg Silverman and Diane Nelson. It€™s a collective brain trust that falls in line with DC€™s mantra of giving their directors more freedom to be creative.

Of course, the real people who should be in charge of the DCEU are the animated universe masterminds Bruce Timm and Paul Dini, but I digress.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.