13 Ways DC Is Attempting To Combat The Marvel Films Model

6. Better Villains

Even after twelve movies, each sporting multiple unique and varied villains, Marvel has still struggled to produce even a handful of quality antagonists. With Zod and Faora alone, DC has already topped nearly all of their villainous efforts.

Marvel has received criticism for not devoting enough time to developing their villains, often leaving them to act more like plot devices. Conversely, in Man Of Steel, we understood exactly why Zod was doing what he did, and were invested in whether he would succeed.

Casting certainly isn€™t the issue. Marvel has scouted a true bevy of talent to enliven their villains with and that€™s scarcely helped. Instead, it looks like DC is already succeeding at adapting villains because it€™s giving them the requisite screen time to be compellingly developed.

Obviously it€™s too early to call Lex Luthor and the Joker successes, but the controversy surrounding their casting and the initial glimpses of their performances isn€™t going to lend itself to mediocrity. They€™re either going to fail beautifully or succeed, and so far DC is one for one on the villains front.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.