13 Worst Movie Sequel Titles Ever

2. Hellraiser: Deader

Hellraiser Deader Splash
Dimension FIlms

The body-horror franchise Hellraiser is rife with terrible sequels with equally risible titles, though at least it had the sense to quickly ditch the numerical titling after the third movie.

The subsequent entries - of which there are now ten (!) in total - include absurd sub-titles such as "Bloodline", "Inferno", "Hellseeker", "Hellworld", "Revelations" and "Judgment", but 2005's 7th film in the series easily takes the gold medal here.

Hellraiser: Deader might be the most hilariously awful title in any mildly mainstream horror movie franchise ever, even if the film does at least revolve around a cult known as the Deaders.

On one hand its stupidity is vaguely attention-grabbing, but like the film itself - which was just a spec script with the Hellraiser branding slapped on it - it's also outrageously low-effort.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.