14 Awesome 2015 Movies Everyone Thought Would Suck

11. The Good Dinosaur

Why It Should Have Sucked: Pixar's reputation for imaginative filmmaking cannot be ignored, but at the same time, The Good Dinosaur suffered production setbacks like no other film the studio has ever made. In 2013, director Bob Peterson and producer John Walker were removed from the project for failing to nail the film's third act, leading to 67 employees being laid off and the entire story to be reworked as Pixar executives realised it wasn't working. As a result, John Lithgow, Neil Patrick Harris, Judy Greer, and Bill Hader all had their parts scrapped and recast, causing many to justifiably suspect that the film would be a colossal creative bust. Why It Was Awesome: It's not up there with Pixar's classics, but The Good Dinosaur is nevertheless a reliably moving, heartfelt and gorgeously-rendered animation, boasting some of the most sophisticated CGI environments ever committed to film (seriously, you'll struggle not to stare at the water looking for imperfections), along with cute character designs. With its long sections almost entirely free of dialogue, this is another Pixar flick that refuses to talk down to its primarily young audience, and if not their most imaginative work to date, is still leagues ahead of what most of their competitors are cooking up.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.