14 Awesome 2015 Movies Everyone Thought Would Suck

10. Run All Night

Why It Should Have Sucked: Another Liam Neeson thriller? Haven't we kinda hit saturation point with these Taken spin-offs by now? It looks like another movie where Neeson's strategically shot to mask his age during action sequences, a family member probably gets kidnapped, and there's gotta be a foreign bad guy in there somewhere, right? Why It Was Awesome: This is by far the best Neeson thriller since his career was revitalised in 2008, drawing attention to his increasing age and playing him opposite the fantastic Ed Harris, while teaming him with the solid Joel Kinnaman. Unlike most of Neeson's recent movies, there's some welcome moral ambiguity here to make the scenario more meaty and compelling, plus the film looks terrific, there's a ton of action, and you can actually make out what's going on at all times (take note, Taken 3). Gritty and grounded like few recent Neeson movies, Run All Night is a stellar vehicle for the actor as he ages out of plausibility as an action hero, instead going the other way and accepting him as he is.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.