14 Awesome 2015 Movies Everyone Thought Would Suck

9. The Visit

Why It Should Have Sucked: An M. Night Shyamalan found footage movie made for just $5 million with a mostly unknown cast isn't exactly the most appealing concoction, if admittedly a change in direction following his bloated, effects-driven blockbusters of late. Marketing for this one suggested an unintentionally hilarious disaster, and of course, there has to be the inevitably lame plot twist, right? Why It Was Awesome: Proof that low expectations can result in an amazing treat, The Visit knows exactly what it is and delivers accordingly. Most surprising, though, is that the film is frequently hilarious and does a fantastic job melding its horror and comedy elements together. The two young protagonists give unexpectedly strong performances, though the real MVP here is Deanna Dunagan as the creepy grandma whose behaviour only gets more bizarre over the course of the film. Credit to Shyamalan for delivering a twist that doesn't try too hard to surprise the viewer: it simply makes sense and gives the third act the perfect jolt it needs. Plus, the film features possibly the most awesomely horrifying use of a dirty diaper in movie history, so there's that. Hopefully this is a sign that, free of studio meddling and bloated budgets, Shyamalan is still capable of captivating cinema.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.