The Plot: Led by The Alchemist (played by writer-director Alejandro Jodorowsky himself), a group of travellers makes the arduous trek to the mystical Holy Mountain, where they hope to reach enlightenment. Most WTF Moment: In a movie where a man turns human s*** into gold, nothing beats the ending, where the Alchemist breaks the fourth wall, as he asks, "Is this life reality? No, it is a film. Zoom back camera!", and the shot reveals the movie's crew just scarcely out of shot. He then says, "Goodbye to the Holy Mountain. Real life awaits us" as they all leave. Why It's Awesome: Jodorowsky's surreal masterpiece has been the subject of extensive debate and analysis over the four decades since its release, and as is the major benefit of making a fantasy film of this kind, it's perfectly alright if nothing makes sense. Interpretations are out there for those that want them (usually with a few logical holes), but the film can be enjoyed with just as much validity as a sensory, hallucinatory experience first and foremost.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.