14 Awesome Performances In Otherwise Awful 2015 Movies

9. Sarah Dumont - Scouts Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse

The Movie: It's a terrific idea for a film with a solid cast, but for the most part it feels like a crappy version of Superbad with some undead monsters thrown in for good measure. The character work doesn't, well, work, the action and gore is totally forgettable aside from one genitalia-related gag, and it's strangely boring throughout. The Performance: Dumont plays the sexy cocktail waitress who helps the scouts fend off the zombie invasion, and boy, is she a pistol or what? In addition to being super-hot, she's also got a ton of charisma and screen presence, in sharp contrast to her obnoxious and/or nerdy male co-stars. She's easily the movie's most enticing character, and Dumont's strong work here suggests that she's capable of so much more with the right script. We'll have to wait and see, and on the plus side, nobody saw this crappy movie, so she won't suffer for it.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.