14 Awesome Star Wars Deleted Scenes
6. The Start Of The Rebel Alliance
Which Episode? Revenge Of The Sith
Where would it be in film? Interspersed throughout the first half, before the end of the war.
What happens? When Padmé talks to Anakin about the corruption in the Republic, it isn't just a line showing the growing gulf between the two characters but a hint as an almost otherwise removed subplot. There were three cut scenes that showed Padmé, Bail Organa and a young Mon Mothma starting to show dissidence with Palpatine and begin the first few steps towards forming the Rebel Alliance. It doesn't really go beyond private meetings, but helps paint a picture of how things developed between the trilogies.
Should it have been cut? Revenge Of The Sith is bursting with internal subplots, so it's hard to justify adding another, but given how this one has some massively far-reaching effects we can't believe this took prominence over Obi-Wan riding a lizard. If anything, more of the prequels should have looked at this element.