14 Cinematic Questions We Demand To Have Answered in 2013
10. Will 3D Have Run Its Course?
Hollywood should really be done with gimmicks, and despite film-makers' assertions that 3D is a legitimate art-form in itself, and a potentially bountiful medium to work with, as long as there are other lower-end film-makers who are willing to either post-production 3D into their films, or use it as a silly genre gimmick to get jumps out of simpler audiences the medium can be classed as little other than a gimmick.
In the course of 2013, we will see 3D re-releases of Jurassic Park, Top Gun, The Little Mermaid, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, as well as first time gimmicky releases of Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D, One Direction 3D Concert Movie and Walking With Dinosaurs 3D. Apart from possibly the last entry into that list, none of those films will do anything for the credibility of the medium. The natural response will be for fans to lose interest in paying more to see something completely superfluous.
And unless someone comes along and treats 3D exactly as it deserves, that trend will continue to the stage where box office results will reflect more and more people choosing the 2D versions of films instead.
With two Avatar sequels upcoming, and James Cameron unlikely to change his stance on the technology - which he still seems to think is a marvel, when done properly (and some film-goers would certainly agree) chances are we will be stuck with the medium for a while yet. But whether or not Cameron and crew can kick-start a tide of films better using the technology, remains questionable.