14 Cinematic Questions We Demand To Have Answered in 2013

5. Where Will Star Wars Episode VII Go?

We know who is writing, that George Lucas will be involved somehow (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) and the year it's supposed to be coming out (2015), but that's about all we have to go on at the minute in terms of concrete news relating to Star Wars Episode VII.

Samuel L Jackson wants to be in it, but the chances of that happening are fairly slim, unless Disney decide to retcon some of the ridiculous elements of the Prequel Trilogy out of existence, and have Mace Windu somehow appear in the future after the events of IV-VI, provided that's where the film will be set.

The two biggest questions relating to Star Wars now are probably when and who? Will the Skywalker kids take the lead? Or will the net be cast wider into the Star Wars universe? There is certainly a plentiful enough database of possible stories, but it's whether an audience would respond with the necessary vigour if Disney did indeed abandon the famous saga for something wholly new.

And who will be the man in charge? Matthew Vaughn has been linked strongly recently, though without confirmation, and the First Class director might be a good choice, while others like Brad Bird have been suggested. But time will tell on that one.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.