14 Cinematic Questions We Demand To Have Answered in 2013

7. Will Anyone Ever Make At The Mountains Of Madness?

Arguably the most famous Development Hell project of all, the Mountains of Madness should be made. For a long time it looked like Guilhermo Del Toro was just about on the verge of bringing HP Lovecraft's introduction to the Cthulhu mythos, and many would be hard-pressed to suggest a more appropriate director. The grand fantasy world would be the perfect canvas for Del Toro, and though some mainstream audiences might not be entirely enamoured by the idea of the project (just like Warner Bros back in 2006), it remains the most frustrating near-miss in recent history.

But with the success of Prometheus, a film very similar in many ways to Mountains, a studio might once again pop up this year who is willing to tackle the adaptation, despite Del Toro's assertion that the Prometheus similarities would be too much to warrant Mountains going into production.

We can but hope that 2013 brings better news.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.