3. Han Sexually Harasses Leia...Repeatedly (The Empire Strikes Back)
The Scenes: Right at the start of Empire, Han has an argument with Leia and tells her, "You could use a good kiss!", which is pretty much the PG version of "you could use a good shagging." Later, when things get a little shaky aboard the Millennial Falcon, Leia is thrown into Solo, and he grabs hold of her, at which point she has to ask him to let go of her twice, causing him to grab her and thrust her away somewhat suggestively, clearly annoyed at her disgust. And finally, after Leia hurts her hand, Han grabs it and begins caressing it. Leia tells him to stop but he doesn't, telling her she's trembling and that she likes him "because a scoundrel", as he moves in for the kiss that seals the deal. Why It's Creepy: Yes, Leia is up for it in the end, but Han's constant advances and referring to her by sexist names such as "sweetheart" actually make him seem like a bit of a sleazebag. If their interactions took place in an office in 2015, Han would've been dismissed and slapped with a sexual harassment lawsuit.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.