7. Obi-Wan Mind-Tricks The Death Sticks Guy (Attack Of The Clones)
The Scene: Obi-Wan and Anakin enter the Outlander club in search of shape-shifting assassin Zam Wesell, and when Obi goes for a drink at the bar, he's stood next to a young guy trying to sell him death sticks, an illegal hallucinogen. However, Obi-Wan performs two mind tricks on him, telling him firstly not to try and sell him any death sticks, and secondly, to go home and rethink his life. Why It's Creepy: Though the mind trick is primarily used to get the good guys out of tough situations, this one seems a little excessive if not a downright abuse of power by Obi-Wan. Think about it: in one moment he's potentially changed this entire man's life, imposing his own morals onto the kid when he wasn't really causing him any harm. That Obi-Wan possesses this power and was so flippant about executing it is undeniably unsettling. Just think of what else he could do with it if he wanted, especially in a bar setting, and no, that doesn't mean free drinks...
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.