14 Creepiest Things Done By Star Wars Characters

6. Darth Vader Removes His Helmet (Return Of The Jedi)

The Scene: After suffering mortal injuries from disposing of the Emperor, Darth Vader asks his son to help him remove his mask, at which point Luke gets to see what his father looks like for the first time: deathly white, heavily scared, and strangely pudgy. Why It's Creepy: You thought Vader was mega-creepy with his mask on? Just wait until you see what he looks like without it. Even ignoring the surprise that such a stocky-looking man can move around as well as Vader does, seeing Vader in this state surely provided the basis of nightmares for an entire generation of children. The fact that he looks like a bloated ghost playing the harmonica doesn't really do much to help his case either: that truly is a face only a son could love. And unsurprisingly, Luke decided to burn him on a funeral pyre with his mask put back on.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.