14 Dumbest Things In Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

7. Dead Alert

Kirk Rock

When the ship's sensors detect the Klingon Bird of Prey has also breached the Great Barrier, some screens display a visual warning reading:


No one notices because they're all glued to the TV watching the Godcast from Sha ka Ree.

What sort of crap warning system is so easily be missed because people are distracted? This appears to be a purely visual warning, unaccompanied by so much as a bleeping alarm sound. An audible alert of some sort should have sounded.

Yes, the Enterprise is not up to spec in this movie, but if the idea here is that the audible alarms aren't working as a result of these malfunctions, then that should have been set up explicitly, as was the malfunctioning transporter, which was set up before they shuttled to Nimbus III.

At the end of the shot of the screen the Klingon ship fades away, which means it cloaked, and that should have triggered another notification, but it doesn't.

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Maurice is one of the founders of FACT TREK (www.facttrek.com), a project dedicated to untangling 50+ years of mythology about the original Star Trek and its place in TV history. He's also a screenwriter, writer, and videogame industry vet with scars to show for it. In that latter capacity he game designer/writer on the Sega Genesis/SNES "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — Crossroads of Time" game, as well as Dreamcast "Ecco the Dolphin, Defender of the Future" where Tom Baker performed words he wrote.