14 Most Out Of Place Scenes In Movie History

3. "I'm The Party Pooper" - Kindergarten Cop

Kindergarten Cop Arnold Schwarzenegger

The Scene: The classic Arnold Schwarzenegger-starring "comedy" opens with a lengthy prologue of sorts, where Detective John Kimble (Schwarzenegger) tracks down drug lord Cullen Crisp (Richard Tyson) and catches him murdering an informant red-handed.

In the next scene, Kimble heads to a dingy nightclub to find the woman who witnessed Crisp's act, resulting in an intense gunfight, with Kimble shotgunning the joint to pieces.

Why It's Out Of Place: At its core, this is a supposedly kid-friendly comedy about Arnie playing against-type as a teacher, but the tone of the film's opening feels like it belongs in an R-rated, hard-boiled thriller rather than a PG-13 comedy.

While the movie does get serious again for its final stretch as Kimble faces off against Cullen, the overwhelming majority of the film is a fairly frothy comedy that has little to do with drug kingpins, murder and comically oversized weaponry.

It's honestly pretty shocking that the film's intro wasn't softened in the scripting stage, but given the film's final $200 million box office, its severe tonal whiplash didn't seem to bother audiences much.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.