14 Movies You Didn't Realise Stupidly Broke Their Own Rules

9. Portkeys Can Only Be Used Once -Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire

Harry Potter Portkey
Warner Bros.

The Rules

Portkeys are the best way to travel in the wizarding world, as it can transport many people at once (though for some reason nobody seems to mention that apparating while holding hands does much the same function,) but - either activated by touch, or on a preset mode (again, the logistics are not disclosed) - the big caveat is that they can only be used to transport things to one place once.

But Wait...

At the tragic end of the Tri-Wizard tournament when Cedric Diggory is murdered, Harry uses the Tri-Wizard Cup to transport himself and Dead Ced back to Hogwarts and away from the Voldemort's deathly grasp, despite the fact that the same portkey was booby-trapped to take the winner (Harry) to Little Hangleton where Wormtail and the odd little Voldemort foetus are waiting for him.

So there's one problem: the second is that when Harry and Dead Ced are transported back to Hogwarts, they don't land back where they were - instead they land in front of the crowd, suggesting a Portkey will just drop you off within a few miles of the original destination, like a budget airline.

And then there's the stupid idea that Barty Crouch would have cursed the Portkey to take then to Little Hangleton, but left it possible for them to return to Hogwarts.

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