14 Movies You Didn't Realise Stupidly Broke Their Own Rules

8. Touching Past Versions Of Oneself Will Lead To Disintegration - Zathura

Columbia Pictures
Columbia Pictures

The Rule

In Jon Favreau's other board game movie (and much underrated it is too,) it is eventually revealed that the unnamed stranded astronaut (Dax Shepard) is actually Walter (a pre-Hunger Games Josh Hutcherson) all grown up after he wished his little brother Danny (Jonah Bobo) out of existence and was trapped inside the game forever.

At the end of the movie, when this is discovered, there's a pleasant but silly moment when the alternate versions of Danny and Walter touch the "real" ones, and melt away, sort of amalgamated back into them, as their game is reset when Walter doesn't wish Danny away again.

But Wait...

Before the revelation, there's a point in the film where Walter is ejected out of the house and into the cold vacuum of space (which somehow doesn't explode his head) - the only way he's saved is when the spaceman uses his jetpack to rescue him and bring him back into the house. Quite how he manages to do that without touching him and being evaporated into a shower of magical dust is never explained.

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Iron Man
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