14 Simple Fixes That Could Have Made Suicide Squad Awesome
12. Remove The Unnecessary Romantic Sub-Plot
The Problem
Did anyone really care about Rick Flag loving June Moone? Like, seriously? They're the blandest couple in the history of comic book movies, with zero chemistry and absolutely no reason to root for them.
The Solution
Forget it entirely, it's not necessary. Flag/Moone was introduced mostly to give the film some emotional heart, which entirely missed the point that both Deadshot's back-story and Diablo's had more than enough heart, had they actually been focused on properly.
We didn't need to see Flag and Moone forced together, regardless of it being used as Waller's means of manipulating Flag. All that relationship needed was Flag to be duty-bound (and then for his internal conflict to play out more traditionally later in the film). He doesn't need to be bound to the Squad by a romance that is significantly less believable than Boomerang's love of a stuffed unicorn.
So just cut it out - the pair can exist without f*cking each other, and Flag is far more interesting if he starts out as a military man simply compelled by honour to do his job. That way he also doesn't have to be in on all of Waller's plotting.