14 Simple Fixes That Would Have Made Fantastic Four Awesome

2. Add At Least Two More Action Scenes

This is easily one of the least action-orientated superhero movies ever made, given the excessive build-up and the fact that the team spends a ton of time confined inside a government facility rather than facing off against Doom. How can Fox have signed off on a movie so bereft of the entire purpose of superhero movies, to thrill the hell out of audiences as they watch people doing cool things that can't be performed in real life? The film is sorely in need of more action, and as already mentioned, the action beats themselves seem pretty obvious: beef up the suspense in the accident scene, have the rest of the team escape with Reed, have Doom fight the Four on Earth, and then again at the end, possibly in Planet Zero or maybe somewhere a little more exciting. No superhero movie should feature less than 3 or 4 set-pieces, so it's pretty tough to watch the film and see exactly where that $120 million was spent. Again, a budget increase would allow for a ton more carnage.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.