14 Simple Fixes That Would Have Made Fantastic Four Awesome

14. Hire A Director With Actual Blockbuster Experience

The bad word about F4 was exacerbated when rumours emerged several months ago that Trank caused $100,000 worth of damage in his on-set trailer, was being uncommunicative with both his crew and Fox executives, and turned up drunk and/or high to set frequently, which necessitated the need for reshoots to fix a number of problems. His behavioural problems were reportedly why he was kicked off of Star Wars: Rogue One, though Trank refutes any and all accusations of wrongdoing, and clearly blames executive meddling. On the other hand, it might just be that he wasn't ready for such a huge production. After all, Trank's first film, Chronicle, cost just $12 million (and made an impressive $126 million worldwide), and F4 was budgeted at 10x that, a challenging undertaking for even the most skilled and mentally together of directors. It's not hugely surprising if Trank did indeed crack under the pressure, and a sign that Fox should probably have deferred to hiring a director more experienced in big budget filmmaking, rather than expecting that the seeming boy wonder could transition seamlessly from one brand of movies to another. There are a ton of experienced directors who would've killed to take a stab at something like this, so hopefully Fox will learn a lesson here.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.