14 Star Wars Moments George Lucas Wanted You To Forget

1. Han Shot First

The single most controversial moment in the history of Star Wars will forever be held up as the perfect example of the disconnect between George Lucas as the creator and Star Wars fans. That is precisely why those three words have become as big a phenomenon as Star Wars itself for some of the more disgruntled fans, who saw the ret-con of the Greedo situation as a betrayal of the character. Solo was originally presented as a complex anti-hero; the kind of gunslinging loner who would run smuggling missions for a galactic gangster and who would take out an enemy sent to bring him to inevitably fatal justice. When he shot Greedo, it established who and what the character was, a crafty, ingenious cad who would be useful to know, but the reversal of the shooting took away all of that impact. Lucas wanted Solo to be more immediately heroic, but in changing the set-up, he also rubbed away one of the most intriguing parts of Solo's development, and sadly, since he's never likely to admit his mistake, we all have to forget that Han had that in his character.

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