14 Star Wars Original Trilogy Easter Eggs You Need To See

5. Klaatu Barada Nikto

Star Wars Jedii

Harrison Ford once said to George Lucas "you can type this s**t, but you can't say it", which gets straight to the point of some of the bizarre phrases that exist in the Star Wars universe. The names are particularly complex (Luke and Ben aside).

There's a ridiculous number of aliens with names that are little more than lazy variations of real world titles (Wilhalm Skrim is one of the worst). Some, however, are a little more involved. One of the best has to be a reference to the 1951 classic The Day The Earth Stood still; two of Jabba's goons are called Klaatu and Barada (fun fact: the former was played by Corey Dee Williams, son of Billy), which is directly invoking that film's iconic, destruction-stopping phrase "klaatu barada nikto".

There's even a species known as the Nikto who work for Jabba that rounds off the quote. All manner of sci-fi films have referenced the line, so it was only inevitable Star Wars would do it. These names were never spoken in the film, but were prominent in merchandising (most of Jabba's goons got action figures).

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.