14 Star Wars Original Trilogy Easter Eggs You Need To See

2. 327

Star Wars Space

We all know about 1138. But in all the time put focusing on that one reference most Star Wars fans have missed that there's another number that is hidden throughout the saga; in A New Hope the Millennium Falcon finds itself in Docking Bay 327 of the Death Star, while a few years later in The Empire Strikes Back it's on Cloud City's Platform 327. Han and Chewie must feel like they're being followed.

327 pops up at various other points, primarily in the Expanded Universe (Boba Fett even uses it as a cover at one point), although it does also feature on film in Episode 1 - it's the model number of the Naboo cruiser's hyperdrive core.

So what does 327 mean? Well, like 1138, it's a reference to an earlier film by George Lucas, this time American Graffiti; it appears on the engine of car in his Oscar-nominated nostalgic throwback.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.