14 Stupid Blunders That Ruined Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

8. So. Much. Plot.

Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker

The Rise of Skywalker feels like two movies crammed into one. There are so many plot points in it that this film definitely would have benefited from being a two-parter.

Yes, that would break the mold of Star Wars films coming out in trilogies, but The Rise of Skywalker doesn't work as one movie. It goes from plot point to plot point, scene to scene, and it's all rushed.

It's kind of like Game of Thrones' final season which had a whole lot of story. That failed and it had six episodes. This similarly has a lot of story in it, but it doesn't even have six episodes. It has one two-hour movie.

Between the typical Star Wars story beats and the forced sudden resurgence of Emperor Palpatine, there's just so much crammed in here that the filmmakers could have easily made it a two-part finale, Harry Potter or Avengers style.

Of course, you know what would have been even better? Planning this trilogy in advance, and not letting your filmmakers pull things in wildly different directions, so that each film would work on their own and form a cohesive unit. That way, the trilogy mold stays, and each film actually makes sense on their own when viewing the trilogy as a whole.


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