14 Stupid Blunders That Ruined Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

7. Rey Is Palpatine's Granddaughter

Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker

Fans may have hated The Last Jedi's reveal that Rey's parents were nothing more than filthy junkyard traders who sold her, but you know what? That was actually awesome.

The Last Jedi undeniably fell flat in many areas, but this revelation was genius. It was shocking and powerful, and excellent character development for Rey. She didn't need to be related to the Skywalkers or any other Jedi to be one with the force, and this would have been something interesting to explore.

So of course J.J. Abrams had to mess it up and retcon it to appease angry fanboys.

She may not be related to the Skywalkers or Kenobis, but you know who she is related to? Emperor Palpatine.

Apparently, somewhere sometime in the timeline of the prequel or original trilogies, Palpatine fathered a son, who turns out to be Rey's father. Her parents hid her away on Jakku so the Emperor wouldn't find her, and they were killed for it.

This retcon is proof that studios and filmmakers will bow down to the angriest fans and give them what they want, and that's not always the right movie. In this case, it's nothing more than cowardice and desperation. For shame, J.J. Abrams. For shame.


Aaron Kirby hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.