14 Times Comic Book Movies Completely F*cked Iconic Villains

2. Mr. Freeze (Batman & Robin)

Batman And Robin Arnold Schwarzenegger Mr Freeze
Warner Bros.

In The Comics

Though we can thank the 1960s Batman TV show for naming Mr Freeze (previously known as Mr Zero), it's actually Batman: The Animated Series we owe for his best portrayal, thanks to the introduction of the tragic dying wife backstory.

That gave him something most Batman villains don't have - a sympathetic reason to commit crimes, adding a level of complexity barely seen elsewhere in the rogues gallery.

On Film

Sure, looking back it's possible to see the kitsch-appeal in Arnie's performance as Mr Freeze - as long as you have an iron stomach for the worst puns known to man, anyway. But that's what nostalgia and the filter of time does for these things.

At the time, his quip-laden, painfully unfunny mutilation of the iconic villain was almost unforgivable. He was a 1960s camp creation, surrounded by buffoonish henchmen and drawn with childish subtlety. And worst of all, he has a compelling, tragic backstory that is utterly stomped into the ground because of Schumacher's penchant for throwing in daft lines like "ice to see you".

Just imagine the glee around the writers' table when that genius little nugget was birthed. He's not really a threat, despite being huge and capable of incredible powers and what should have been a poignant underlying drive was turned into sappy, sacharine mush that it was barely possible to care about.

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