14 Times Comic Book Movies Completely F*cked Iconic Villains

1. Deadpool (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)

Deadpoo X-men Origins Wolverine

In The Comics

You shouldn't really need a run-down of what Deadpool in the comics is - you could just go and watch the excellent Ryan Reynolds-starring origin movie that basically reinvented how Hollywood does R-rated comic book movies.

That film got everything that inspired the character's success on the page perfectly right: he's a fourth-wall-breaking, outrageous anti-hero who was first introduced as a villain in New Mutants, but whose charisma forced him into an anti-hero (and almost fully blown hero) status later.

He's incredibly powered (over-powered for a lot of people), and a narrative sibling of Wolverine, but with a smarter mouth, less moral scruples and far more of a commitment to humour.

On Film

Though Reynols and Fox got it right eventually, their first attempt to bring Wade Wilson to life was a betrayal of the character. They started well, introducing him as a motor-mouthed prick working for Stryker, but the subsequent revelation that he was basically killed and reborn as The Deadpool (a literal collection of dead mutants' powers) was where it all started to fall down.

The worst crime - aside from needlessly stripping him and not allowing him to wear the iconic red suit - was sewing his mouth shut as a gag, instead of embracing his attitude as the biggest selling point in his arsenal. And as for the power augmentations - Deadpool didn't need laser eyes or sword fingers - he's an interesting character on his own, and the appropriation of him to become a mutated Weapon XI was a major kick in the crotch for fans of the original.

Thank God for second tries.

Which iconic comic book villains do you think Hollywood screwed up the most? Add your suggestions down in the comments!

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