14 Upcoming Movie Sequels Nobody Asked For

9. XXX: The Return Of Xander Cage

Pirates Of The Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales
Columbia Pictures

Release Date: January 20, 2017

Though 2002's xXx was a major hit for Vin Diesel, who ever wanted or expected him to return to the franchise some 15 years later, after Ice Cube seemingly ruined its already-dubious reputation with 2005's flop sequel, State of the Union?

It's all the more peculiar considering that Diesel's Xander Cage character was in fact killed off in the previous film, so this latent follow-up will need to conjure up a likely-convoluted explanation for his continued existence.

After all, given how much a** Diesel is kicking in the Fast and Furious movies these days, does he really need to return to a stagnant old series such as this?

Could It Be Any Good?: In fairness, the original xXx was an entertaining guilty pleasure, so while nobody will be watching this one for the plot, it could certainly deliver some barmy action sequences.

It won't be good in any classical sense, but it if follows the insane lead of Diesel's hit franchise, it could be indecently entertaining.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.