14 Upcoming Movies That Will Probably Waste Awesome Actors

12. Thomas Jane - The Predator

Thomas Jane The Predator

The Role: Baxley, a veteran of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars who is suffering from PTSD.

Thomas Jane is a criminally under-appreciated actor who, despite turning in consistently solid performances throughout his career, has never quite grabbed the brass ring and become a bonafide star in his own right.

That said, with his acclaimed performance in last year's Stephen King adaptation 1922 and his work on cult sci-fi show The Expanse, Jane's certainly doing well for himself right now.

Though his appearance in Shane Black's upcoming The Predator reboot-quel marks his first role in a major studio film since 2010's Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, sadly the trailers so far don't suggest he's got much of a part at all.

Don't be shocked if Jane doesn't even make it out of that prison bus, being quickly torn apart by one of the many creatures unleashed upon Earth throughout the film.

It's especially frustrating as Jane has the grizzled acting chops fitting for the central hero, Quinn McKenna, a part initially intended for Benicio del Toro but eventually given to Boyd Holbrook.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.