14 Upcoming Movies That Will Probably Waste Awesome Actors

10. Christoph Waltz - Alita: Battle Angel

Alita Battle Angel Christoph Waltz

The Role: Dr. Dyson Ido, a scientist who serves as Alita's (Rosa Salazar) caretaker.

Christoph Waltz's quiet intensity and unique vocal tenor make him an easy fit for colourful supporting roles in genre films, hence why he's been utterly wasted in the likes of The Green Hornet, Horrible Bosses 2, Spectre and The Legend of Tarzan.

Though Robert Rodriguez's sci-fi spectacle actually looks surprisingly not-terrible, Waltz seems like he's in full "Juliette Binoche in Ghost in the Shell" mode here, taking an easy, undemanding role for a fat paycheck.

Given how unlikely it is that the manga adaptation prefaces its characters over the eye-melting visual effects, Waltz will probably show up, serve as a father figure to Alita and set the plot in motion, and end up killed by the baddies at some point. Nothing here befitting a two-time Oscar winner.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.