15 Actors Who Were Almost Cast In Harry Potter

7. Rosamund Pike - Rita Skeeter

The character of Rita Skeeter is rather prophetic. Intended as a dig at journalists who twist and fabricate stories with nary a thought for those involved, the reveal that much of her column inches come from spying on celebrities in the form of a beetle is somewhat predicting the phone-hacking scandal that rocked the British press around the time of the final film's release. Of course, that whole animagus subplot was cut from the films. And here's why. In Goblet Of Fire Skeeter's played by Miranda Richardson, but the role was first offered to a then-rising Rosamund Pike, fresh off Die Another Day. When she learned the part would have her contracted into the fifth film as well, despite rather minimal screen-time, Pike backed away. It appears that with that move the character's presence was also reduced, with Richardson's take little more than a cameo.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.