15 Actors Almost Cast In The Hunger Games

15. Abigail Breslin - Katniss Everdeen

OK, so it's been almost ten years since Abigail Breslin played Olive in the indie hit Little Miss Sunshine, but that remains her most memorable role; in the proceeding decade she's had a few interesting parts (Zombieland), but mostly has starred in tat (The Call, New Years Eve, Ender's Game). Thankfully her convincing turn as the Miss America-obsessed Hoover offspring ensures that she remains a notable young actress. Breslin's name was connected to the part of Katniss from early on, with Variety reporting she was down to the final three. That's strange as she's almost the anti-thesis of J-Law; she was actually younger than Katniss is meant to be at the time, whereas Lawrence is much older. It show's a real initial uncertainty in how to portray the character.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.