15 Actors Stuck In Hollywood's Dog House

13. Malcolm McDowell

Despite critical and public acclaim for early performances in A Clockwork Orange and Cat People, McDowell has always been seen as something of a Hollywood outsider. The ill-fated, semi-pornographic Caligula added to this reputation, and years of drink and drug abuse soon began to take their toll. As those striking looks began to disappear, so did McDowell's career, and he was left mainly with roles as villains or megalomaniacs that other actors likely turned down. With only slim pickings coming his way, recent years have seen McDowell appear in low budget, offbeat dramas and thrillers, or providing voice work for animations, but a return to mainstream success has evaded him. It seems a waste that one of the most iconic and distinctive actors of our time, who has in the past starred for Stanley Kubrick and Laurence Olivier, should simply fade away into memory. So What Next? Appearing in extreme director Rob Zombie's latest 31 could re-establish McDowell's horror credentials but in truth a role in a Nebraska-like drama would be perfect, although these are few and far between. Failing that, securing a good supporting role in an awards contender would give McDowell a fitting finale to a respected career.


Film fan, horror obsessive and defender of found footage; The Blair Witch Project is one of the most important films of all time - fact! Squeeze in the odd book too.