15 Actors Who Stupidly Turned Down Billion Dollar Movies

12. Katie Holmes - The Dark Knight

Katie Holmes Batman Begins Rachel Dawes
Warner Bros.

There's a school of thought that says that Katie Holmes was sacked from playing Rachel Dawes in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy because of how bad she was in Batman Begins. In reality though, she actually walked away from what is legitimately still her biggest role, telling Nolan she was unavailable (even though he wanted her).

Holmes told Business Insider that she has no regrets about walking away:

“You know, I really enjoyed working on the first one and I wish I could have worked with Chris Nolan again. It was a decision that I made at that time and it was right for me at that moment, so I don't have any regrets. I think that Maggie did a wonderful job. But I really hope that I get to work with Chris some day.”

She hasn't yet specified a reason, but imagine turning your back on your biggest job just as you get to be the key narrative thrust of two character arcs.

What She Made Instead

Presumably Mad Money, which came out the same year as The Dark Knight. By no stretch of the imagination is the heist comedy on the same plane of existence as Nolan's trilogy sandwich filling.


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