15 Announced Movies That Are Destined For Development Hell

13. Sherlock Holmes 3

Status So Far: The previous Sherlock Holmes movie, A Game of Shadows, was released in December 2011 to critical and commercial acclaim, but Warner Bros. didn't strike while the iron was hot, with producer Susan Downey saying late last year, "There's an idea, there's an outline, there is not a script yet." Why It's Destined For Development Hell: Though Downey expressed confidence that the film would come out in the next few years, she also said, "At a certain point it's going to be too long", and given how important timing is with these sequels, audiences may already have cooled on a third Holmes film. Though Robert Downey Jr's popularity is undeniable, with the Benedict Cumberbatch BBC series, the U.S. show Elementary and the upcoming Ian McKellen-starring Mr. Holmes, audiences might feel a tad over-saturated with the character for now. Last summer, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For proved how a poorly-timed sequel can fail, and given that the Sherlock Holmes franchise ain't exactly Star Wars, will anyone really recall the first two movies fondly enough to want a third, which won't be released until 2017 at the very earliest?
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.