15 Announced Movies That Will Probably Never Happen

13. The Divergent Series: Ascendant

zombieland 2
Summit Entertainment

What We Know: After the previous film, Allegiant, underwhelmed at the box office, Lionsgate put the brakes on the fourth and final film, Ascendant, before revealing that it would instead be released as a lower-budget TV movie.

Why It Won't Happen: Lionsgate made the extremely poor decision not to notify the cast before going public with this information, and unsurprisingly lead actress Shailene Woodley responded by saying that she wasn't interested in a TV movie. Co-star Ansel Elgort reiterated her remarks and suggested that most of the cast wouldn't return.

As such, it's hard to see Ascendant ever actually getting made, because a near-total recast is pretty much the worst idea imaginable. Lionsgate were clearly hoping to roll this movie into a TV show, so they'll probably just press the reset button with a totally new series instead. Sorry, fans.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.