15 Australian Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die

2. Wyrmwood

Wyrmwood armour
Guerilla Films

Zombie apocalypses have been done to death in recent years, but comedy action-horror Wyrmwood offers a more than fresh enough take on a tired subject matter by moving the action to the Australian outback.

Directed by Kiah Roache-Turner who also co-wrote the script with his brother Tristan, Wyrmwood follows mechanic Barry as he battles through hordes of the undead with his sidekick Benny to rescue his half-zombie sister Brooke who’s been captured by a mad military scientist with a mobile laboratory he uses for experimenting on his zombified subjects whilst dancing to KC and The Sunshine Band.

These aren’t just your typical Romero zombies either and Wyrmwood adds plenty of new elements to zombie lore. For example, the undead in this world have flammable blood and breath which comes in handy for powering the Mad Max-esque vehicles Barry and Co travel around in while his sister has the ability to psychically control the zombie hordes.

Imagine the humour of Shaun of the Dead, the gore levels of The Evil Dead and the aesthetic of Mad Max and you’ll have a pretty good idea of why Wyrmwood is worth all the hype.

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Cargo Horror
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