15 Awesome Plot Twists That Totally Saved Awful Movies

6. Jigsaw Was In The Bathroom The Entire Time - Saw

Saw Twist Ending

The Twist: Jigaw (Tobin Bell), the villainous nutcase who has chained Adam (Leigh Whannell) and Dr. Gordon (Cary Elwes) up in the dingy toilet, has been in the room with them the entire time. He's the "corpse" pretending to lie dead in the middle of the bathroom with a gun in hand, and at the end of the movie, he rises up and exits, leaving Adam resigned to a grim death.

Why It Saves The Movie: Pretty much all anyone talks about when they mention the original Saw is the twist. Rarely is the acting, direction or general writing ever praised, and that's because, without its mind-blowing twist, Saw just isn't that great a movie.

The hilariously low-budget car chase sequence, Elwes' awful American accent and annoying jump cut editing all conspire to ruin the movie, but the power of its twist is so strong that even these creative missteps can't undo it, and a mega-successful horror franchise was born.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.