15 Awesome Plot Twists That Totally Saved Awful Movies

5. The Killer Is Transgender Angela - Sleepaway Camp

Angela Camp Sleepaway
United Film Distribution Company

The Twist: The movie opens with a man on a boat with his two children, Angela and Peter, in 1975. As they return to shore, the man and Peter are struck and killed by a motorboat

8 years later, Angela lives with her weird aunt before heading off to camp, where a series of murders begin taking place. At the end of the movie, Angela is discovered holding one of the teen's severed heads while standing naked, revealing herself to not only be the killer, but also that "she" has a penis, and is in fact Peter, her brother believed to be dead. Angela had actually died in the boating accident that day, and when her aunt gained custody of Peter, she raised him as "Angela".

The final image is a creepy-a** shot of Angela's face (pictured above) as she makes a number of horrifying gurning sounds you'll never be able to unhear.

Why It Saves The Movie: Up until this point, Sleepaway Camp is another forgettable slasher flick, replicating the formula of the Friday the 13th series to unsurprisingly diminished returns. Though the film holds a strong 83% on Rotten Tomatoes, even the majority of these reviews concede that, without the twist, Sleepaway Camp is another hokey, predictable horror flick.

The insane, practically unguessable ending completely changes all that, making the film one that demands a second viewing to observe the clues peppered throughout and, of course, to focus on the enigma that is Angela.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.