15 Awful Films Mission Impossible Actors Want You To Forget

2. Cocktail (1988) - Tom Cruise

RottenTomatoes Score: 5% The Plot: Brian Flanagan (Tom Cruise) gets a job as a bartender in New York City, and as he comes to learn the tricks of the trade while also falling for a beautiful young woman (Gina Gershon), he realises that another life just might be awaiting him (namely with another love interest, played by Elizabeth Shue). Why It Sucks: Cocktail won Worst Picture and Worst Screenplay Razzie awards, while Cruise was nominated for Worst Actor and Roger Donaldson for Worst Director. There's just never much of an argument made here for why this film needs to exist: the premise is ridiculously flimsy and totally un-cinematic, so apart from exploiting Cruise's rising star status, what was the point? Probably one of the most inane and vapid films ever made starring a future Oscar nominee, Cocktail is pure glossy trash that does its cast few favours and is best "enjoyed" after imbibing your fair share of booze first.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.