15 Best Acted Scenes In MCU Movies

11. The World's Most Awkward Car Ride - Spider-Man: Homecoming

 The Avengers Loki
Marvel Studios

With pretty much every past Spider-Man film being slated for questionable choices and acting, tensions were high for Spider-Man: Homecoming to do what fans could only dream of – to be a good film.

Several months later, and the sixteenth entry in the MCU still holds a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes - in no small part due to the fantastic acting found within it.

The peak of said acting can be found near the closing of the film - not in the climactic final fight, but the car journey beforehand. The perfectly measured aggressive tones of Michael Keaton (the Vulture) balances the thin line between protective father and merciless villain, carefully notching up the tension for the closing scenes. This said, that would mean nothing if not for the fiendishly clever way Holland plays Spider-Man - making us truly believe that a super strong genius could also be an incredibly awkward and mostly terrified teenager.

A scene that is both incredibly tense and comedic is truly something magical - even if the tension mainly comes from remembering your own prom.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.